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Re-Institution of Islamic Caliphate Is a
Necessary Condition for Muslim Salvation
By Khalid Amayreh
in occupied Palestine
PIC, [ 30/06/2014 - 07:38 AM ]

It is hard to predict the actual ramifications and repercussions of
the declaration by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) on
Sunday, 29 June, that its chief Abdul Latif al-Baghdadi has been
declared a Khalifa (caliph) of all Muslims. Many Muslims,
including this writer, are reluctant to pass a final judgment on this
matter for many reasons. A chief reason that makes many people
exercise caution and discretion in this regard is the fact that western
powers, which more or less dominate the bulk of Arab states, will hasten
to nip in the bud every serious effort to reinstitute the political
authority of Islam, formally terminated with the downfall of the Ottoman
State following the First World War. Indeed, it was this
earth-shaking event that eventually enabled the treacherous west to
divide the Arab world into numerous failed "states" and implant the
Zionist snake in Palestine. Never the less, Muslims must never
think that the caliphate can only see the light of the day by western
permission. Indeed, the more logical assumption is that the
re-establishment of the Islamic Khilafa can only be realized despite the
west and against its wishes. This is because a successful
caliphate would eventually undo all western conspiracies woven against
Muslims in the course of the past two centuries. This should include the
creation of territorial nation-states which are utterly subservient to
their western masters, given these entities' shocking lack of true
sovereignty, economic depravity and inability to defend themselves
against foreign predators. Israel is the ultimate example that
comes to one's mind when discussing the utter failure of the modern
nation-state in the Arab world. As a foreign body implanted by
the west in the heart of the Arab- Muslim world, Israel has been able to
steal Palestine from its original rightful proprietors, destroy their
homes, bulldoze their fields, murder their children and then expel
millions to the four winds. Israel continues to play the role of
the rabid dog as it goes on tormenting the Palestinian people on a daily
basis while Arab regimes from Morocco to Bahrain are basking in their
impotence and powerlessness, unable to do anything meaningful to help
the Palestinians, save regurgitate stale rhetoric about solidarity with
our people. Needless to say, Israel, now ruled by a Nazi-like
Talmudic-minded junta that appears hell-bent on liquidating the
Palestinian cause, understands this shocking impotence on the part of
nearly all Arab regimes whose main preoccupation is never the liberation
of Palestine or even helping the Palestinians withstand Israeli
repression but is rather maintaining their tribal leaders, ruling
families, and despicable tyrants in power for as long as possible.
This historical anomaly can't continue as it is both unacceptable and
untenable. That is why, there is a phenomenal consensus among
Muslims these days that they can regain their long-usurped dignity and
liberty only under the Caliphate. I know that some
secular-minded Arab intellectuals, many of them graduates of anti-Islam
missionary schools, are decidedly against the reinstitution of the
Caliphate which their patrons in the west had long convinced them it
embodied backwardness and hindered progress. But these so-called
intellectuals are a tiny though conspicuous minority and must never be
allowed to foil the will of the vast majority of Muslims by impeding the
historical revival of the Muslim Umma. To conclude, Muslims
around the globe must be ready and willing to sacrifice their souls if
necessary to reestablish the Khilafa, which would be a modern state that
must observe human rights, civil liberties and justice for all
irrespective of race and religion. A gentle, kind and humane caliphate
is a sine-qua-non for its success, not so much to please the notoriously
hypocritical west, but rather because it is the right thing to do.
In short, Muslims must return to their roots or risk being uprooted
from the face of earth. Khalid Amayreh is a veteran journalist
living in occupied Palestine
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