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Editorial Note: The
following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may
also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology.
Comments are in parentheses. |
Islamophobia in the US:
Assault on CA Muslim Woman, Grand Juries Used for Intelligence
Gathering, Shooting a Muslim, Torturing Another

Verse of the Day: Forgive Others
"The blameworthy are those
who oppress their fellow men and conduct themselves with
wickedness and injustice in the land. . .Those who
endure with fortitude and forgive others surely exhibit
courage in conducting their affairs."
Holy Quran, 42:42-43
Are Grand Juries Being Used for Non-Criminal
Intelligence Gathering?
The question, as
CAIR-Philadelphia sees it, is whether its clients are
being served with federal grand jury subpoenas solely
for the purpose of conducting non-criminal
intelligence-gathering investigations. If such a
practice is taking place, then that practice would
constitute the type of "backdoor expansion of grand
juries" the ABA warned against in the immediate
aftermath of 9/11.
Offers Safety Recommendations After Assault on Muslim
CAIR-SFBA has received a
disturbing report from Antioch, Calif., about an attack
on a Muslim woman who wears a headscarf and South Asian
attire. The woman was walking in a public area during
daylight hours when an assailant reportedly suffering
from mental delusions punched her and stabbed her
multiple times.
The Perils of Travelling While Muslim
"CAIR has offices in
several border states -- Seattle, Michigan, New York --
and for years we've gathered stories of Muslims getting
pulled out of cars at gunpoint and subjected to
intrusive questioning about their religion," said Gadeir
Abbas, an attorney with CAIR's Washington, DC, office.
CAIR Seeks DOJ Review of FBI's Shooting of Muslim in
US Muslim Sues FBI for Torture
Weiner Calls Peter King's Hearings on Islam 'Shameful'
Weiner said, "I have to
say Peter King for one has precious little to say on the
subject given the shameful way he's targeted people in
one particular religion at his hearings."
American Muslims
Discovering Politics
(OC Register)
Trucking Company Wrongfully Terminated Two Muslim
Muslim College
Carves Niche in USA
(USA Today)
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