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Obama rejects Palestinian UN statehood bid Published yesterday (updated) 21/09/2011 21:34 UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - US President Barack Obama on Wednesday rejected Palestinian plans to
seek UN blessing for statehood and urged a return to peace talks with
Israel as he tried to head off a looming diplomatic disaster. Obama Tells UN: "Only Talks Will Create Palestinian State" Wednesday September 21, 2011 18:30 by Alaa Ashkar - IMEMC & Agencies US President, Barack Obama, told the UN General Assembly that the
Palestinians deserve a state of their own, but added that this state can
only be established through direct peace talks with Israel, the Maan
News agency stated. ![]()
1 ) Obama is / Wrong
21/09/2011 18:14
Obama should tells the UN that TALKS WITHOUT COMPROMISE ( regarding borders, Jerusalem, and refugee return), will maintain the situation, A WORLD WITHOUT PALESTINE.
2 ) Yehuda Solomon / Israel
21/09/2011 18:15
He probably wins the cigar for the 2nd-most blabberer at the
U.N. this week (1st-prize cigar goes to our Prime Minister).
As I've said before, on balance I deeply admire our PM but
his mouth will blab even more. (I actually agree and admire
even more Netanyahu's father who, like me, is adamantly
opposed to a Palestinian nation in the W. Bank and Gaza.)
There probably wasn't a damn thing new Obama said. The
Palestinians are probably glad to see him exit the stage; so
who's the next comedian ?
3 ) Julie / USA
21/09/2011 18:30
but we ALL know that zionists have emphatically stated they
will NEVER agree to any of Pals' rights, so now Pals are
going to the UN as they should do! GO, GO, GO PALS!!!!! with
statehood, you have far more power to fight the zionist
beast. negotiations can continue AFTER statehood. Abbas
should not compromise and not delay the bid.
4 ) Richard Pearce / Calgary, Canada
21/09/2011 18:32
Well, Obama's speech was a grand example of using the
heights of oratory to hide the heights of hypocrisy.
Praising those in Egypt, Tunisia, etc who refused to settle
for having to 'negotiate' with those who were oppressing
them for their rights, negotiations which would have more to
do with surrendering those rights, a bit here, a bit there,
in exchange for promises that, despite showing no real
interest in letting them have their rights, their oppresor
would at some point be willing to change.
5 ) hassan mousa / palestine-nilin
21/09/2011 18:35
Mr Obama changed the historical facts that every body knows.
Israel it self waged so many wars on it's neigbours since
1948.He was right when he said that Israel was built on the
ashes of the Jewish catastrophe ,but ignored the fact the
Palestinians have nothing to with that genocide and
therefore are paying the price for a mistake they didn't do
.He himself is of a background that suffered a lot of the a
partheid system but turned a blind eye of the apartheid that
Israel does to Palestinians.
6 ) christian palestinian / usa
21/09/2011 19:04
Obama should be ashamed of himself for ignoring human rights
and justice in occupied Palestine. He has no integrity or
conscience and because of this, America has become the
laughing stock of the entire world. Anyway, the Palestinians
have other options up their sleeves at the UN.
7 ) Carol Scheller / Switzerland
21/09/2011 19:47
Peace is hard work ? Try saying "Yes, you can" in this
situation instead of "No, you can't". It just might work
magic instead of your VERY long speech to the UN, President
8 ) Robby / USA
21/09/2011 19:55
6 ) christian palestinian / usa "Obama should be ashamed of
himself for ignoring human rights and justice in occupied
Palestine." We still fund the PA to the tune of around $500
million a year (your and my money) and we are still the
largest contributor to the UNRWA. And we gave an extra $900
million in 2009 (might have been 2010). As for us becoming
the laughing stock, do you think the anti-American crowd
would change there minds if we didn't veto the bid? I don't.
9 ) ibra / pepep
21/09/2011 20:06
who made his speech, the AIPAC??
10 ) Obama is owned / US
21/09/2011 20:11
Martin Luther King is turning in his grave listening to this
hypocrite of a President. the very essence of Obama being
President of the U.S. is the result of the Civil Rights
Movement during the 1960's when Negroes in America were
regarded as sub-human in an extremely racist society that
lasted 200 years... America & Obama are owned... Obama's
legacy will be that of a failure and history will relate the
first Black American President as being a true hypocrite of
all time.....
11 ) Palestine is Coming / South Sudan
21/09/2011 20:38
Welcome from your friends in South Sudan, it only took us a
couple of months to be included in the UN
13 ) Philip / Ireland
21/09/2011 21:47
.....there is a season ....turn, turn, turn,
................... Anyone who recognises the origin of
these words, please remind Obama !!
14 ) mohamed / somalia
21/09/2011 22:08
he should return his nobel prize he does not deserve.
15 ) Joe Fattal / USA
21/09/2011 22:35
The US is giving millions in aid to the PA but now if they
request to seek their statehood the US will stop their
financial aids to the PA. It doesn't make any sense.
16 ) Colin Wright / USA
21/09/2011 22:38
It's official. We have a coward for a president. The worst
of it is that it won't do him any good. The Republicans will
always be able to out-grovel him when it comes to
uncritically supporting Israel.
17 ) mohamed / somalia
21/09/2011 22:43
he is trying to save his neck
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