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Moroccan King Says Elections to Be
Held Soon
July 30, 2011
Morocco's King Mohammed VI has vowed to hold parliamentary
elections soon, though without specifying when, as
pro-democracy activists press for further reform in the wake
of the July 1 constitutional referendum.
AFP - Morocco's King Mohammed VI called Saturday for parliamentary elections to be held soon, in his first speech since a July 1 referendum overwhelmingly approved curbing some of his prerogatives. "We must begin by the election of a new house of representatives... so that a new head of government can be named from the party which comes first," he said. In his annual speech from the throne the king warned that any delay threatened the "dynamic of confidence" produced by the reforms and the opportunities they offered. "Political parties are asked to redouble their efforts in favour of the reconciliation of citizens, particularly the young, with political action," he said. The political climate is tense in Morocco as the king attempts to prevent any contagion of the Arab Spring protests that have sent shockwaves across the region. Yet far from nipping democratic aspirations in the bud, the July 1 vote fuelled popular demands for greater social justice. Thousands of people gathered in several cities on July 17 for rallies demanding more sweeping reforms of the Arab world's oldest reigning monarchy. The date of the upcoming elections is a subject of regular negotiations between the interior ministry and the country's political parties but has remained undetermined so far. Morocco's youth-based February 20 movement however has called for fresh rallies on Sunday to continue pressing for a parliamentary monarchy. ![]() ==========================
King announces landmark constitutional reforms
In a televised address on Friday evening, King Mohammed VI
unveiled sweeping political reforms that are intended to
transform the Moroccan kingdom into a constitutional
monarchy following nationwide demands for change.
News Wires (text)
REUTERS - Morocco's King Mohammed promised a new democratic constitution on Friday that would devolve some of his powers to parliament and the government, adding Moroccans would be able to vote for the changes in a July 1 referendum. "We have managed, three months after having launched a
constitutional revision process, to develop a new democratic
constitutional charter," he said in a televised address to the
nation. ![]() =========================
Latest update: 17/06/2011
A new Constitution for Moroccans
King Mohammed VI of Morocco is making changes to the country's
Constitution, that could transfer more power from the monarchy to
the government. Some Moroccans are sceptical, asking how changes can
be democratic when they have been drawn up not by the people, but by
experts appointed by the King. But the new Constitution will be put
the the people in a referendum next month.
Trade unions join reform protests for May Day marches
Moroccan trade unions took to the streets Sunday for May Day
marches, adding their numbers to those of youth-led
protesters who have been holding a sit-in to demand
democratic reforms.
REUTERS - Trade unions in Morocco threw their weight
on Sunday behind demands for reform confronting the Arab
world's longest-serving dynasty and several thousand
demonstrators marched through the streets.
Heavy rain may have kept some away, with turnout in the
commercial capital Casablanca down on previous protests
since February that have authorities concerned about a
possible Egypt-style popular uprising.
But Sunday, Labour Day, marked the first time some of
Morocco's trade unions have joined protests driven by the
youth-led February 20 Movement and inspired by grassroots
revolts in other parts of the Arab world.
They turned out despite a pledge by King Mohammed's
government to increase public sector salaries and raise the
minimum wage from May 1 -- the latest in a series of
handouts from authorities anxious to prevent a spillover of
popular revolt from other North African countries.
Protests in Tunisia that toppled veteran autocrat Zine al-Abidine
Ben Ali in January gathered decisive momentum when trade
unions got involved in a significant way.
Moroccan textile worker Mohamed Maadour complained that his
comrades would only get half of the promised 10 percent
increase to the minimum wage. "We don't understand why we
are being singled out when the textile industry is the
country's most lucrative and its biggest employer," he said.
Divergent goals
But divisions were evident and could yet weaken the call for
change, with some unions distancing themselves from a
February 20 Movement sit-in in the city.
"We are marching because we want to push for a social agenda
that has nothing to do with the political agenda of the
February 20 Movement," said Abdelhaq Tafnout of SNB, the
banking employees union.
Only some 1,500 people affiliated with the independent UMT
union, the country's largest, explicitly supported the
sit-in and UMT's leading figures were absent.
The protesters' demands include a reduction in the king's
political clout, a crackdown on corruption and the sacking
of members of the monarch's inner circle whom they accuse of
abuse of power and business malpractice.
King Mohammed has appointed a committee to reform the
constitution in order to cede more powers, promised to make
justice independent and freed some political prisoners.
Protesters said they would not be deterred by security fears
after a bomb at a cafe in the tourist city of Marrakesh on
Thursday killed 15 people, many of them foreign tourists.
"We understand that some prominent figures in the 'old'
regime will want to use the attacks to stop this movement
for change and reform, but they won't be able to," said
Youssef Mezzi, an organiser of the February 20 Movement.
Protesters carried placards that read, "No to terrorism, yes
to reform", and, "Oh Moroccans, the blasts are a charade."
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