US Vetoes UN Resolution Condemning Israeli Settlement
Saturday February 19, 2011 11:31 by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC News

Israeli settlement of Har Homa constructed
on stolen land of Palestinian village of Beit Sahour file
20feb11im |
Despite claims by US President Barack Obama that his
administration is opposed to Israel's further takeover of land in the
West Bank and East Jerusalem for colonial settlements, the US
representative to the United Nations Security Council vetoed a
resolution Friday that would have opposed Israeli settlement expansion.
The resolution had the support of the Palestine Liberation
Organization and the 14 other member states of the UN Security Council,
but the US, which holds a permanent seat and veto power in the Security
Council, used its veto power to prevent the resolution from going into
This resolution called Israeli settlements in the West
Bank 'illegal', and condemned thse settlements as an 'obstacle to
peace'. Despite the fact that US President Barack Obama has himself
called the settlements 'an obstacle to peace', and called on Israel to
stop the expansion of land takeovers, the US prevented the resolution
from passing.
An advisor to the Palestinian President, Mahmoud
Abbas, told reporters that US officials were on the phone with the
Palestinian President for nearly an hour on Thursday, trying to convince
him to accept some concessions and aid packages in exchange for dropping
the resolution at the UN. The Palestinian President refused to back down
on the resolution, which was then sent forward for a vote on Friday.
Abbas' advisor Nabil Abu Rdainah told reporters, "The American veto
does not serve the peace process and encourages Israel to continue
settlements, and to escape the obligations of the peace process."
Since 1993, when Israeli officials agreed in the Oslo Accords to
stop building settlements in the West Bank, more than 200 settlements
have been created or expanded, and over 300,000 Israeli civilians have
been transferred into colonial settlements constructed on stolen
Palestinian land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Currently, over
500,000 Israelis live in settlements constructed on Palestinian land
occupied by Israel since 1967. The other 4.5 million Israelis live on
land that was confiscated from Palestinians in 1948 for the creation of
the state of Israel.
Abbas protests US veto
Published today (updated) 20/02/2011 15:00 BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) --
MaanImages/Thaer Ganaim, Pool
President Mahmoud Abbas attends a protest march in the West Bank city
of Ramallah on February 18, 2011.
Demonstrations broke out
across the West Bank when US President Barack Obama's administration
vetoed a UN resolution condemning Israeli settlements.
pursued the motion despite a last minute personal appeal from Obama to
abandon the resolution.
After vetoing the resolution US
Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice told reporters the move should not be
"seen as an endorsement of Israel's settlement policies, which the Obama
administration has repeatedly denounced."
Abbas keen on relations with the US despite its bias in favor
of Israel
[ 20/02/2011 - 11:27 AM ]
De facto president Mahmoud Abbas insisted on his relations with the
US despite the blow dealt to him by Washington last night, when the
latter used the right of veto over a UN security council's resolution
against Israel's settlement expansion in the occupied Palestinian lands.
Abbas said his authority would never boycott the American
administration despite its bias in favor of Israel.
The resolution garnered 14 votes in the 15-member council.
In another context, director of the chamber of commerce and industry
in occupied Jerusalem Azzam Abu Assaud said the Fatah-controlled
Palestinian authority (PA) and its de facto government did not give due
importance to Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque.
Abu Assaud affirmed that in a speech during a symposium on Jerusalem
held Saturday in the Jordanian capital, Amman.
He stressed that the PA and successive government had provided the
Palestinian institutions in Jerusalem with only four percent of the
budgets allocated for them so far.
The Palestinian official also noted that the PA ministry of religious
affairs does not take care at all of the Aqsa Mosque, especially the
Dome of Rock, while the Jews are embarking on Judaizing the holy city
through a number of steps including the seizure of Palestinian property
and real estate.
Fat'h official: UN veto will harm US strategic interests
Published today (updated) 20/02/2011 15:00 BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) --
The US veto of a Palestinian anti-settlement bid at the UN served
America's short-term goals but would harm its strategic interests,
senior Fatah official Mohammad Shtayyeh said Saturday.
party's Central Committee member told Ma'an that by torpedoing the UN
resolution condemning illegal settlement building on occupied
Palestinian lands, that the US contradicted its declared support for
change and democracy in the Arab world.
The Palestinian decision
to pursue the motion in the General Assembly under a provision set up
during the Cold War stemmed from "free feelings and free Arab feelings,"
Shayyeh said.
The US veto proved President Barack Obama's
administration was powerless to exert pressure on Israel, the former
minister said, adding that Washington lost a historic opportunity to
prove to the Arab world and the international community that it was
impartial and moderate.
President Mahmoud Abbas pursued the
motion despite a last minute personal appeal from Obama to abandon the
After vetoing the resolution US Ambassador to the UN
Sustan Rice told reporters the move should not be "seen as an
endorsement of Israel's settlement policies, which the Obama
administration has repeatedly denounced."
Asked whether he
thought the US would cut off financial support to the Palestinian
Authority following Abbas' refusal of the request, Shtayyeh noted that
Washington had threatened to withdraw aid several times in the past.
Shtayyeh said that when Abbas asked Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh to
form a government, the US threatened sanctions. When the president
agreed to reconcile with Hamas, the US once again said it would cancel
financial support, he added. Washington warned it would cut off funding
a third time when Abbas participated in the 2008 Arab League summit in
Damascus, according to the PA official.
However, the PA's
decisions would continue to be guided by the interests of the people and
the Palestinian cause, he said, adding that Israel and the US had been
publicly exposed.
From now on, Shtayyeh said, it would be
difficult for the US to convince the Arab street that it supported
"As for threatening to cut off aid to the Palestinian
Authority, I believe that will help neither US nor Israeli interests. I
think they just try to put the PA under pressure."
Commenting on
the PA's calls to finalize reconciliation with Hamas, Shtayyeh confirmed
that the PA leadership was seriously urging Hamas to take the
opportunity and join in on elections.
"Polls will be the gate to
achieve national unity and we still prefer that Egypt sponsors
reconciliation regardless of who the new Egyptian leadership will be,"
he added. Shtayyeh noted that Egypt has supported the Palestinian cause
since the days of Jamal Abdul-Nasser.
Ma'an asked Shtayyeh
whether there had been any contact between PA officials and Qatar since
the Doha-based satellite channel Al-Jazeera published leaked PLO
documents. Several high-level PLO officials accused Qatari leaders of
using the channel to push an anti-PA agenda.
"As far as I know,
there have been no contacts, and Al-Jazeera has incited against
Palestinian leaders," Shtayyeh said.
"We had no problem with the
revelation of the papers, but we wondered why Qatar was inciting against
us," he added.
Abbas issued a decree on February 13 banning
local media and officials from slandering the emir of Qatar and the
emirate's government.
Shtayyeh said the directive was issued in
the interest of protecting Arab unity, and noted that officials had
complied with the order and stopped criticizing Qatar and "its
Ghassan Al-Masri: US veto 'diplomatic terrorism'
Published today (updated) 20/02/2011 16:00
The US veto of a UN anti-settlement resolution was "diplomatic
terrorism," former PLO spokesman Ghassan Al-Masri
said Sunday.
The US on Friday torpedoed a Palestinian bid for a
UN resolution condemning Israel's settlement activity. The other 14
member states of the Security Council voted in favor of the motion.
President Mahmoud Abbas pushed forward a vote on the resolution
despite a last-minute personal appeal from US President Barack Obama
urging him to abandon the effort.
Al-Masri said both the veto of
the resolution and Obama's attempt to dissuade Palestinians from
pursuing international law were forms of diplomatic terrorism, both of
which failed, he added.
The veto revealed the true intentions of
US foreign policy, and undermined what remained of Washington's
credibility as a sponsor of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, Al-Masri
Further, he said it highlighted that Obama was
strategically allied with the settlement policies of Israel's
occupation, and demonstrated that the president's declared support for a
two-state solution was false.
The move would increase hostility
toward the US on the Arab street, which is rising up for freedom and
democracy, Al-Masri said.
The former PLO official appealed to
Abbas to reassess his approach to negotiations, and to reconsider the
Palestinian people's demands, which he said called for restructuring the
components of national unity within the internationally recognized PLO.
He also called for the PLO to have a greater role in leading the
people, and to form more strategic relations within the Arab world.
He also said the PLO should take the lead and seek strategic
relations between the Palestinians and the Arab world, as well as taking
advantage of the changes sweeping the region.