Invasive Body Scans at US Airports, Muslim Group
Reminds Passengers of their Right to Request an Alternative Measure
CAIR, June 24, 2008
Muslim group reminds passengers of their right to request an
alternative measure
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today warned
American Muslims and others concerned with personal privacy of a
security procedure recently implemented by the Transportation
Security Administration (TSA) that scans full-body images of
passengers through their clothing, revealing intimate body parts to
According to USA Today, the body-scanning machines are being used
on randomly-selected passengers at airports in Phoenix, Los Angeles,
Baltimore, Denver, Albuquerque, and New York’s JFK airport. They are
scheduled to be installed at airports in Dallas, Detroit, Las Vegas,
Miami, and Reagan National Airport near Washington, D.C. this month.
10 Airports Install Body Scanners (USA Today)
The TSA website describes the process through which the machines
bounce harmless radio waves off the passenger’s body, which
constructs a three-dimensional image that is projected on a monitor
in the security scanner’s room. The TSA characterizes the procedure
as a “voluntary alternative to a pat-down,” and says it blurs
passengers’ faces and does not store the images to protect privacy.
Whole Body Imaging - Millimeter Wave
However, concerns have been raised over the level of detail shown
by the machines, which are capable of projecting graphic images of a
person’s body, revealing private body parts and other intimate
ACLU Backgrounder on Body Scanners and ‘Virtual Strip Searches’
“CAIR is working with other organizations to address the privacy
issues that this technology presents,” said CAIR Civil Rights
Manager Khadija Athman. “In the meantime, it is important that you
know that you have the option to request a pat-down by a security
officer of your gender in a private room instead of going through
the body-scanning machine.”
Athman said CAIR, in cooperation with other civil rights
organizations, is insisting that the TSA implement a program of
fully informing passengers who volunteer for the scan of its privacy
CAIR, America's largest Islamic civil liberties group, has 35
offices and chapters nationwide and in Canada. Its mission is to
enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect
civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that
promote justice and mutual understanding.
CAIR Strategic Communications Director Ahmed Rehab,
Tel: 202-870-0166,
CAIR Communications Coordinator Amina Rubin,
202-488-8787 or 202-341-4171,
Originally published on 6/13/08.