Cross-Cultural Understanding

News, October  2007



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Palestinian Civilians Used Again as Human Shields by Israeli Occupation Forces Invading Nablus 

Top army officer reprimanded for using Palestinian Civilians as Human Shields in Nablus

Friday October 19, 2007 00:06 by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies saed at imemc dot org

Israeli occupation army Chief Of Staff, Gabi Ashkenazi, decided on Thursday to reprimand Israel occupation Army brigadier general Yair Golan, for allowing soldiers under his command to use Palestinian civilians as human shields during in Israeli military invasion into the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

The decision came following an investigation conducted by the Israeli occupation army  criminal Investigation Unit into the conducts of the soldiers during an invasion into Nablus.

Israeli online daily, Haaretz, reported that “Golan was the most senior officer to be questioned in the probe, which the army launched last March”.

Haaretz added that the incident took place after soldiers were captured on film forcing a young Palestinian man at gunpoint to lead them from house to house during an arrest sweep in Nablus, Haaretz added.

Haaretz also stated that the army said the Golan will not be promoted for at least nine months.

The usage of Palestinians civilians as human shields led to dozens of casualties and in spite of a decision by the Israeli occupation government so-called High Court of Justice in 2005 barring the army from using civilians as human shields, troops continued their illegal acts.

Israeli occupation army sources claimed that this practice, which they describe as “neighbor procedure” had prevented violence and encouraged fighters to surrender, the statement ignored the large number of civilian casualties caused by this illegal practice.





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