Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding


News Photos, 16-30 September 2013




Al-Jazeerah History


Mission & Name  

Conflict Terminology  


Gaza Holocaust  

Gulf War  




News Photos  

Opinion Editorials

US Foreign Policy (Dr. El-Najjar's Articles)




Tunisian President Calls on Egypt to End Its Siege of Gaza Strip

6 Kurdish Iraqis Killed, 36 Injured in Arbil Blasts, September 29, 2013 4 Suicide Bombers Attack Mali Military Camp, September 28, 2013

30 Palestinians Injured in Khalil, Including a Child Losing Eyesight

33 Pakistanis Killed, 70 Injured in Peshawar Twin Blasts, Sept 29, 13

Video of President Hassan Rouhani's Speech at UN, with English Voice Translation

Israeli Occupation Forces Beat, Kidnap, Attack Palestinian Civilians, Increase Apartheid

33 Iraqis Killed, 92 Injured, in Shootings, Bombings, Suicide Attack, Across Iraq 27 Sudanese Killed in Fuel Subsidy Protests, September 25, 2013

Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmi Threatens Attack on Gaza Strip

Somali Fighters Attack Israeli-Owned Nairobi Mall, Demanding Withdrawal of Kenyan Forces from Somalia, September 23, 2013 Germany's Victorious Merkel to Seek Coalition Partners   


Islamophobia and its Impact in the United States, 2011 to 2012

18 Iraqis Killed, 21 Wounded in Attack on a Samarra Mosque

65 Yemeni Soldiers Killed, 38 Injured, in Attack on Shabwa Stalemate Between Syrian Government and Opposition

16 Nigerian Soldiers, 150 Boko Haram Killed in Army Attack

Israeli Soldiers Attack Muslim Worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque Brazil and US, Like Star-Crossed Lovers, Foiled Again  

16 Nigerian Soldiers, 150 Boko Haram Killed in Army Attack Looting Hits Acapulco as Mexico Storm Death Toll Reaches 80  

US Federal Reserve Surprises, Sticks to Stimulus as it Cuts Growth

Recently Discharged Aaron Alexis Killed, After Shooting 12 to Death at Navy Yard in Washington D.C. Lawrence Summers Loses Federal Reserve Chief Nomination After Opposition from Democrats for his Contribution to 2008 Financial Disaster

Israeli Occupation Soldiers Kill Palestinian Youth in Jenin, Raid Southern Gaza, Kidnap 10 Civilians Including Minors

8 Taliban Fighters, 6 Afghani Policemen Killed in Government Forces Raid, September 17, 2013




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