Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding


News Photos, 1-15 August 2013




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278 Egyptians Killed, Thousands Injured in Police Crack Down on Pro-Morsi Protesters, August 14, 2013

80 Iraqis Killed in Bomb Attacks, August 10, 2013 Netanyahu: “Israel Will Retaliate To Attacks From Gaza, Sinai” Palestinians Fleeing Syrian Civil War Prevented from Entering Lebanon !

Israeli Drone Airstrike Targeting Egyptian Rafah Kills Five Egyptians Violent Clashes Erupt at Pro-Morsi Rallies Across Egypt, August 10, 2013

Netanyahu: “Israel Will Retaliate To Attacks From Gaza, Sinai” Palestinians Fleeing Syrian Civil War Prevented from Entering Lebanon !

Pro-Morsi supporters continue their rallies demanding restoration of the democratically-elected President McCain and Graham Describe Egyptian Military Overthrow of Morsi as a Coup D'etat, August 7, 2013

Syrian Revolutionary Fighters Capture Minnigh Airbase, in Aleppo, 4 Alawite Villages Spain Arrests Pedophile of Moroccan Children, After King Revocation of Pardon, August 6, 2013

Egyptian Military Leader and Islamists Meet After Mediation By US Envoy William Burns   Yemeni Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Tawakul Karman, Barred from Entering Egypt  

Intense Clashes in Damascus Suburbs of Barzeh, Hamorieh, Qaboun, and Eastern Countryside, August 4, 2013 Morocco's King Orders Probe Into Spaniard Pedophile Pardon After Protests   

Pro-Morsi Protesters at Adawiya Square, Cairo, August 2, 2013   Pro-Morsi Protesters at Ramsis Square, Cairo, August 2, 2013  

Gaza Government Warns of Disaster Due to Egyptian Closure of Rafah Crossing   Arms depot blast kills scores in Syrian city of Homs, August 1, 2013

Pro-Morsi Protesters March in Cairo and Other Egyptian Cities (Abbasiya above), in Defiance to Government Orders for them to Disband, August 2, 2013  
Gaza Government Warns of Humanitarian Disaster Due to Egyptian Closure of Rafah Crossing  
Arms depot blast kills scores in Syrian city of Homs, August 1, 2013
Kerry's Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations Doomed to Failure, Israeli Cabinet Member Naftali Bennett Brags About Killing Arabs, Calls for Killing More, August 1, 2013
Pro-Morsi Protesters March in Cairo (Adawiya Square above) and Other Egyptian Cities, in Defiance to Government Orders for them to Disband, August 2, 2013  
Pro-Morsi Protesters March in Cairo (Ramsis Square above) and Other Egyptian Cities, in Defiance to Government Orders for them to Disband, August 2, 2013  

Pro-Morsi Protesters March in Cairo and Other Egyptian Cities (Giza above), in Defiance to Government Orders for them to Disband, August 2, 2013  





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